Thursday, July 29, 2010

BP - Boy or Girl - You can guess!

Mark and I thought it would be fun to have a little pool for our friends and family to bet on the gender, due date, weight and length of Baby Poge. We stole this idea from my cousin and his wife. Thanks Charlie & Kristin! We are not sure what the prize will be, but it will be awesome! We might write a blog entirely about the winner! Please guess! The more the better!!

Cut and paste the link below:


Enola said...

Hi Grandma Carol sent me the info about the little contest you have going on. so here is my uneducated guess a boy, weighing 7lb 10 oz. Born Nov. 19,2010.
I wrote a nice note and then lost it when I had to register. told you how long we have known Tom and Carol. But I will save it for another time or you can ask them. Hope you are doing well?? Best wishes for a healthy baby and Mom and dad gets through the next 20+ years... SANE... Enola and Emory Neff

Enola said...

I forget the length 20"