Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Mother Free Passes!

There are so many incredible pluses to having a kid, but I am also starting to realize that I get a few free passes in this new club.

Here are a few:
- Not showering everyday
- Wearing the same outfit two days in a row (What this old thing again? I think I will!)
- Wearing workout clothes daily. (In high school, my group of girlfriends and I loved when we could wear our wind pants or overalls. If either clothing item was in style then I would be wearing them again!)
- No makeup (Ok, I don't ever wear makeup, but now I say "Shoot I forgot to put on makeup this morning." Typical response from friends, "Don't worry you look great!)
- Falling asleep at 8:30 pm is no longer uncool!
- Leaving an event that we are no longer enjoying is easy - "Sorry, we have to go home and feed our son!" No hurt feelings and no pressure.
- Stains on clothing are acceptable. I hate laundry and am even less concerned if I have a permanent stain on my clothes now I have a free pass for that stain!
- Not finishing the book for my book club.

Oh the free pass is awesome!!


J, H, A, M and O said...

Hahahaha. So true Ellen.

AmyC said...

I still do many of these things and I think my free pass has expired. :)