Friday, June 24, 2011


For the past year, my life has been full of questions. Throughout pregnancy and motherhood, strangers and acquaintances seem to have a free pass to ask me questions. During pregnancy it usually focused around the timeline of the baby's due date, my well being and how prepared I was for the baby. Sometimes people's questions were odd or too personal. I remember some of guys at work asking me too many questions about labor once they found out I was contemplating having the baby naturally (I didn't). As a new mother, most questions have been focused around the baby and they usually focus on his size and age, his sleeping pattern and his milestones. While I confidently try to answer their questions, there have been very few answers that I am confident about outside of dates and measurements. I have never truly felt prepared for Clark. Each day something changes and each day a challenge is conquered and a new challenge begins. This motherhood roller coaster has been more rewarding than I had anticipated. How could it not be?

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